Category: Running With Heart

  • Learning Dar es Salaam

    9 July 2009 I am sitting in George Sempeho’s office at the UN, and we are going through hell just to make a phone call – land line to land line. I had to take a cab here because no one in Tanzania can make a conference call; the technology doesn’t exist here! (Or so…

  • Hudson River Jog

    In my old age, now that running for PRs is a distant memory, I find such pleasure in running for the fun of seeing the world around me.

  • September 11

    It was just a little warmer that morning 20 years ago. But the same blue sky. I’m flooded with emotions – remembering the horror and fear, the thunderstorm the next night when I found myself standing by the bed screaming, having been awakened by thunder in the middle of the night. But I also remember…

  • Curmudgeon POV: First World Annoyances

    A random list of aggravations that spoil the ticking of time in pandemic New York. 1. Noisy, incessant helicopters carrying rich tourists to look at Central Park, spoiling the peace of a quiet weekend. 2. Runners and cyclists in the park blaring music instead of wearing headphones. 3. Dogs off leash on the bridle path,…

  • In Memorium

    We survived COVID. We kept to our running and biking and friendships. I skipped the Tuesday night Zooms because my days at work are filled up with Zoom calls and I didn’t have the patience for the one-at-a-time report-outs that Zoom requires and the inevitable lags and echos that disrupt the normal banter and cross-talk…

  • Celebrating

    A year of running. 1849.29 miles in 296:06:32. Average pace = 9:36 minute mile. I beat last year’s distance by 38 miles and bested my average pace was 8 seconds per mile. Still, I worry that the fastest miles may be behind me. I’m not sure. Right now I’m running slightly slower than the year’s…

  • Persistence

    I really didn’t feel it yesterday morning when I lined up for the race. I had arrived way too early, excited about my “local competitive” status. I was expecting something more than what I found – an open area, an open tent covering the food. And runners lounging around on the grass. But the bathrooms…

  • A Good Year

    I did a relaxed 7-miler yesterday. Last run of 2013 and as I scanned my training log, it dawned on me that it was the first year in ages that I didn’t have a major injury. My mileage showed it: I logged 1606.35 miles in 2013, my highest mileage year. In 2012 I only eked…

  • Back On My Feet

    Done pouting. It’s amazing how quickly one’s attitude changes. One day off and I couldn’t wait to lace up my running shoes. And what a perfect morning. The park was gorgeous – peak autumn colors. Lots of friendly faces. I was so happy to be outside. An easy 4.5 miles and by the end I…

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